Saturday, October 17, 2009


But so worth it!!! I had the pleasure of being included in the Steward School Spartafest Bazaar the last three days and I had a wonderful time. Sales were good, especially for a first timer. I did come home with a good bit of inventory that I will keep me busy for the next week photographing. I also met some very fabulous people this weekend including my new wonderful friend Amanda from Dawn Correspondence. Amanda and her mom, Rhonda, kept me entertained for the three days and I am so glad I made such a wonderful new business connection and friend. I am hoping that in the future there will be some collaborating going on between us. :) Well, I am beat and ready for bed. I will be sure to post some pictures of the booth as well as some pictures of the new items including....rings and sweet hairpins!!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

1 comment:

i do monograms said...

YAY! So glad it went well for you! Can't wait to see pics :)