Sunday, November 15, 2009


DIY Day - Body Scrub!!! You need only four ingredients to make these moisturizing exfoliants. The base can be made from either Epsom salts or sugar, depending on whether you want a large or fine grain. Color the scrubs with shades that are in keeping with some of the scents you use -- pink with grapefruit, for example, or green with eucalyptus. Makes about 2 1/3 cups.

Tools and Materials
2 cups Epsom salts, organic cane sugar, or regular cane sugar
1 cup oil (Jojoba, Almond, Grapeseed, Olive, Sunflower)
8 drops essential oil(s)
1 drop food coloring
Special equipment: glass jars

1. Stir together Epsom salts or sugar and oil in a bowl, mixing well.
2. Using a dropper, add essential oil, 1 drop at a time. Add food coloring, and stir until color is even throughout. Spoon into glass jars (preferably with a seal).
3. Make and cut out pretty labels, and affix to clean jars. Enjoy!

Glass jars from The Container Store

1 comment:

i do monograms said...

I may have to test this one out! :)